
A histopathological study of bladder cancer in Uganda

More than 2.63 million people worldwide were diagnosed with bladder cancer in 2017, of which 200 000 died. This makes it the ninth most frequently diagnosed cancer worldwide. The prevalence of the most common bladder cancer types (urothelial carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma) varies across Africa. Many African countries have high incidences of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), for instance Nigeria, Zambia, Libya, Senegal and Zimbabwe, while in several African countries such as Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya and Cameroon, urothelial carcinoma (UC) predominates. It is worth mentioning that UC is the most common bladder malignancy diagnosed in Western countries. It presents either as muscle-invasive or non-muscleinvasive.The latter comprises the bulk of patients (70–85%) seen in most of the countries. This picture is quite different from what is seen in Uganda where the majority of UC cases present as the muscle-invasive form.

Pyonephrosis: epidemiological, clinical, and therapeutic aspects at Aristide Le Dantec University Hospital Centre (Dakar)

Pyonephrosis is defined as the presence of a purulent collection in the renal cavities associated with significant perinephritis secondary to partial or total destruction of the renal parenchyma by an infectious process, most commonly secondary to an obstruction in the urinary tract. This obstruction is often a stone. Pyonephrosis has become increasingly rare in developed countries but remains common in countries where access to healthcare remains difficult. The prevalence of this condition can rightly be considered as an indicator of the health status of a country. Our study aimed to analyse the epidemiological, clinical, and therapeutic aspects of pyonephrosis at the Urology Department of the Aristide Le Dantec CHU.

Evaluation of the accuracy of the International Prostate Symptom Score in the assessment of lower urinary tract symptoms due to benign prostatic enlargement when translated into Shona

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) has resulted in troublesome LUTS in elderly men since time immemorial while the exact mechanism causing these bothersome symptoms is not yet fully understood. It was only in the 19th century that BPH was identified as a disease warranting treatment.

Congenital megaprepuce: description of a simple, reproducible novel surgical technique

A multitude of surgical techniques used to repair CMP have been described. Each has its advantages and disadvantages; however, most have common steps that have become principles of buried penis repair. None is better than another and there is no gold standard repair technique. The main differences emanate from whether it is a one- or two-stage repair and the source of skin for penile shaft coverage. Some use penile shaft skin while others utilise the inner preputial skin for shaft coverage. The different methods described in the literature were not specific to the management of CMP but buried penis/inconspicuous penis in general.

Elemental profile of urolithiasis at a tertiary hospital: a four-year retrospective study

Urolithiasis is a fairly common disease presenting to urology clinics worldwide. It affects all age groups and genders and is estimated to have a prevalence of between 4% and 20%, depending on geographical location and socioeconomic conditions. Despite this, the prevalence is rising globally across all races, ages, and genders. In literature, the current peak age is between 30 and 50 years with a male preponderance.

High-risk prostate cancer and very high PSA level: results of transrectal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy in a Cameroonian population

According to GLOBOCAN 2020, prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in 112 countries in the world. Regional patterns of mortality rates do not follow those of incidence, with the highest mortality rates in the Caribbean, sub-Saharan Africa, and Micronesia/Polynesia. In France, the number of new cases observed in 2018 was 50 400 and the prevalence was estimated at 643 156 persons in 2017. In Nigeria, Osegbe reported a hospital incidence of 127/100 000 for a mortality of 20 000.3 In Cameroon, Enow et al. reported an estimated 7.3% frequency of prostate cancer, ranking first among urogenital cancers.

Congenital megaprepuce: review of the literature

The concept of buried penis was introduced by Keyes in 1919, when he described the inconspicuous penis. He described it as an apparent absence of the penis which exists when the penis lacks its proper sheath of skin, and lies buried beneath the integument of the abdomen, thigh or scrotum. Many authors put forward their own terms to describe the buried and inconspicuous penis. These included concealed penis, hidden penis, trapped penis and webbed penis. The first description of congenital megaprepuce (CMP) as a cause of buried penis was by O’Brien et al. in 1974 who described it as a buried penis characterised by ballooning of the excessively redundant prepuce that provided a ready receptacle of urine on micturition.

Genital self-mutilation following cannabis-induced psychosis: Klingsor syndrome – a case report

Genital self-mutilations in psychiatric patients, also known as Klingsor syndrome, are a rare urologic trauma. Men with religious conflicts, low self-esteem, unresolved transsexual issues, and feelings of guilt are the most vulnerable. Penile amputation is a severe injury to the penis associated with significant morbidity. It may be therapeutic, especially in penile cancer, or traumatic, which could be accidental, assault, animal attack, industrial injury, self-inflicted, or circumcision-related. The most common aetiology of penile amputation in adults is selfinflicted mutilation, especially during an episode of psychosis, while circumcision-related penile amputation is the main aetiology in children.



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African Urology Journal Volume 4 Issue 1 - 2024